BuildWitt Training buying and implementation
Want to know how BuildWitt Training stacks up to other training platforms? Or what the implementation process is like? Get answers here.
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Like what you see? Let us show you the rest
What better way to see if BuildWitt Training lives up to the hype than to explore all the features and the entire catalog of 1,500+ microlessons? It’s as easy as getting a demo set up with our team.
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Here are some simple next steps you can take to continue exploring BuildWitt Training.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can this be used in a classroom setting?
Yes. BuildWitt Training can be used in a group setting, whether you choose to conduct training in the classroom or the field.
Will I be able to see what my people are watching and how far they are in the lessons?
Yes. You’ll be able to see courses and lessons that have been assigned to employees; how far they are within a specific learning track; what they’ve scored on their assessments; and a heck of a lot more all in one admin view.
What is the implementation process?
1. We'll host an implementation meeting within 7 days.
2. 1-2 weeks later, we'll have another meeting to review your setup and rollout strategy.Sagittis, ultricies ligula mattis felis. Orci sem lectus eu scelerisque. In sem arcu vestibulum venenatis, feugiat. Diam placerat nulla sem mollis mattis dui commodo gravida. Rutrum viverra viverra dictumst proin lacus, duis volutpat risus.
2. 1-2 weeks later, we'll have another meeting to review your setup and rollout strategy.Sagittis, ultricies ligula mattis felis. Orci sem lectus eu scelerisque. In sem arcu vestibulum venenatis, feugiat. Diam placerat nulla sem mollis mattis dui commodo gravida. Rutrum viverra viverra dictumst proin lacus, duis volutpat risus.
Can I use this to onboard new employees?
Absolutely. Our training product is built specifically to help you train and onboard your new hires or current team. You can create custom courses for your new hires, for specific positions, mix and match training, and more.
Do you have safety training?
Yes, we have several safety-focused learning plans, along with safety being a topic in our role-based training.
Is there a Spanish version?
Yes, Spanish subtitles are available on all of our preloaded content along with Spanish dubbed audio on a good amount of videos. You're also able to add your own Spanish content or upload subtitles to your custom content.
What do you have for toolbox talks?
Most lessons within the BuildWitt Library make for great toolbox talks since they're short and engaging, but we do have a learning plan dedicated to toolbox talks.
Will I be able to upload my own content for training, onboarding, and more?
Yes, we’ll give you a ton of content already, but you’ll be able to add as much of your own as you desire. Add a welcome message into an onboarding track, or a video from your President talking about culture, it’s completely up to you. The more you take what we’ve already packed into this software and mix it with your own company culture, the more you’ll get out of it. This content can stay private to your team.
How many videos are there?
1,500+ with another 250+ to be completed this year.
Is BuildWitt Training cloud-based?
Yes. This helps keep things running fast, your data secure, and your apps easy to update.
Does BuildWitt have a mobile app?
Yes. BuildWitt Training is available as a mobile app, so your team can access the content on their mobile devices.