Episode 49
From Accounting to Earthmoving with Ron Kellish of Bemas Construction
January 17, 2021Transcript
Pellentesque congue luctus enim, ac feugiat purus convallis vel. Ut eget maximus enim, vehicula malesuada tortor. Vivamus mollis quis arcu a gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse vel lorem non dolor lobortis consectetur sed eu arcu. Donec ac felis a purus accumsan posuere. Nulla feugiat magna velit, sed commodo augue volutpat id. Maecenas ultrices sed orci sit amet rutrum.
Donec suscipit sem ac porttitor iaculis. Nulla accumsan quis enim quis tristique. Quisque ultrices quis enim non commodo. Phasellus venenatis egestas nulla vitae luctus. Duis ut ante a neque faucibus lobortis volutpat nec mauris.
Quisque eros enim, blandit eget varius in, fringilla id sem. Curabitur vitae neque ut eros accumsan finibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam in dolor vestibulum, gravida quam non, malesuada eros. Mauris volutpat sapien aliquam ante rhoncus tempor. Suspendisse pharetra venenatis enim, eu ullamcorper sem finibus a. Suspendisse finibus sem at nisi iaculis, non lobortis nulla posuere.
Etiam nec eros consectetur, imperdiet justo euismod, ultrices orci. Donec mattis lobortis ante, euismod fringilla sapien. Cras feugiat aliquam augue, eget faucibus massa. Aliquam vitae tortor libero. Fusce porttitor aliquam velit vel scelerisque. Morbi dapibus eget metus et eleifend. Duis condimentum imperdiet odio non vehicula. Aenean sed neque finibus, mattis mi sed, tincidunt purus. Phasellus tincidunt lobortis accumsan. Sed aliquam dapibus pellentesque. Mauris id ante eget lectus suscipit tincidunt quis sit amet ligula. Duis a est gravida, pharetra arcu in, euismod lacus.
Donec nec ante eros. Aenean sit amet nunc ac mi laoreet mattis. Praesent posuere vestibulum vulputate. Nunc felis enim, pulvinar vel imperdiet sed, porttitor venenatis augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam commodo magna nec nunc scelerisque commodo. Sed at molestie massa.
Cras augue augue, tristique eu enim nec, malesuada suscipit est. Curabitur tempus tortor massa, eget ullamcorper nisi dapibus at. Aliquam justo nisi, ornare quis pretium eu, porta eu ante. Phasellus quis magna tortor. Aenean sit amet mollis enim. Curabitur molestie eu turpis quis molestie. Praesent dignissim, eros ac venenatis convallis, mi orci placerat felis, sit amet rhoncus nibh ex ut mi. Proin feugiat viverra urna sit amet auctor. Donec at ultrices odio. Curabitur et nisl mollis, sodales lectus a, blandit est. Proin quam augue, suscipit porta commodo vel, ullamcorper a urna. Donec sit amet nibh posuere nibh faucibus laoreet at non risus. Pellentesque porttitor nisi nunc, in pretium tellus ultrices non. Maecenas ac tellus hendrerit, eleifend tortor vitae, pretium odio.
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Stay Dirty!
While Ron Kellish was working for a big four accounting firm in Chicago, he got a call from Larry Ames, who recently began his new earthmoving company, Bemas Construction. He and Larry had worked together in the past, and as Ron admits, Larry was the only one who could’ve talked him into coming back to Denver.
Larry Ames grew up building the family business, Ames Construction, into the behemoth it is today. After helping to move 100 million yards of earth for the new Denver International Airport, Larry wanted to return to his roots by leaving the big family business and starting Bemas after buying a small scraper spread.
Since Larry’s always in the field and doesn’t even have an office at Bemas’ headquarters, he’s relied on Ron and others to help lead the business while he does what he loves: moving dirt.
While Ron’s title is CFO, he wears tons of hats and touches all aspects of the business. In this episode, we talk about the money side of earthmoving, why it’s essential to take care of people, and how Bemas structures its benefits to give everyone a lot more than just a paycheck.
To learn more about Bemas, check out their website at https://bemas.net/
To connect with other people who listen to this show, use and search for the hashtag #betterdirtworld and join in on the conversation.
If you have questions/comments/concerns, reach out to DirtTalk@buildwitt.com .
Stay Dirty!
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